09 October 2008

Questions I Ask Myself Far Too Often:

  1. How did that guy/girl get in to this school?
  2. Wait...what did the professor just say?
  3. Is it 2011 yet? Or at least Christmas break?
  4. Where is my Federal Rules of Civil Procedure book?
  5. Didn't we talk about this EXACT SAME THING in Torts last class?
  6. Why can't there be another 'e' in judg(e)ment, and for that matter, why doesn't Word know any legal jargon?
  7. Is there anything new on icanhascheezburger.com?
  8. How can I coerce Taco Meat to cover up his goods?
  9. On a scale from 1-10, how creepy is it for the people behind me when I stalk their Facebook profiles during class? (15? Thought so.)
  10. Is my fly undone? (Yep...oops.)


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