11 April 2010


After the great screen crack of 2010, I went out and got a netbook to tide myself over until exams. I had to install a bunch of new programs, including the software for my wireless printer. Netbooks don't have disk drives, so I had to download the printer software from the internet. I managed to find the correct download and everything, only to realize after installation that the program had somehow installed in Spanish.

No problem, I figured, I habla espanol just fine, I can navigar a printer.

Oh. Except I can't even figure out how to use computers IN ENGLISH. So tonight, as I am trying to scan a check in to my bank account, the computer decides to send photos of me (via the built in web cam) to the bank instead of scanning my checks. And now I have been locked out of my online banking because they suspect fraud.

Well someone is going to have a good laugh tomorrow when they get 40 photos of me staring at the screen looking perplexed and trying to recall which word means STOP in Spanish.

Gracias, computer.


Michael said...

Bad times... you aren't having much luck with computers at the moment, eh? :-(

BTW: what netbook did you opt for? :)

D said...

My computer broke part way through my last year of law school. So, I spent most of the year doodling in a notebook during class and typing any papers on Google docs on the library computers.

Computers in law school are overrated.

C said...

I got an Asus Eee PC. I guess they only make netbooks. The one I have is actually pretty amazing -- not slow at all, even when I have like 40 gchat windows open. And it runs Windows XP instead of Windows 7 starter edition, which is awesome, because with the limited version of Windows 7, you can only open three programs at a time.

On the advice of another commenter I ordered a replacement screen for my other computer and am going to attempt to replace it myself.

Do I have any computer skills? No, but that has never stopped me before.

Disaster, straight ahead.

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