14 April 2010


A few weeks ago I was reading this post, Destination Lawyer, on Useless Dicta thinking how great it must feel for this blogger to finally be where she had always imagined. Her post especially resonated with me because I constantly feel like I'm just going through the motions--college, law school, internships--waiting for my real life to start. I found out today that Useless passed away suddenly in February from a blood clot associated with a minor skiing accident she was in. Of course, I never knew her, but I am still shocked and sad. She was a witty writer with a lot of spunk.

I find myself all the time wishing for time to pass faster. For exams to be over, for law school to be finished, to have a job and a family and a real life. But events like this are a reminder: my life is real now. And instead of wishing for a fast forward button, I should try to hit pause from time to time and appreciate life just the way it is.

Happy trails, Useless. You will be missed.


Anonymous said...

How sad. Nicely written.

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