23 February 2011

Law School to the Rescue

Since I'm a full time student, I spend more time at the house than Brandon Walsh. As a result, I tend to do most of the household tasks. While I don't mind pitching in (in fact, I enjoy most of it) I do occasionally get a little lot crazy and feel like I could use some help. So last night I asked Brandon Walsh to help out by doing some household chores on his own initiative, sua sponte, if you will. BW pointed out that whenever he does something on his own, I get irritated with him because he doesn't do it exactly as I would (he's not wrong here, but it's not my fault I'm perfect). So in exchange for his promise to do household chores sua sponte, I agreed to a deferential standard of review. When he takes the initiative to clean up or cook dinner, I will only overturn his decisions if there is a clear abuse of discretion, and he acts without regard to any guiding principles (...he tends to ignore the instructions in recipes, does that count?)

And that's how law school saved my marriage.


Anonymous said...

I think more Latin phrases should be included in marriage as a general rule.

Caveat emptor! Habeas corpus! Corpus collosum!

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