15 March 2010

Streamlining the Process

I had an interview this morning with a good sized law firm that I liked. But it sort of felt like a pity interview. My interviewers were nice, but we hardly talked about the firm at all, and I only got to ask one question about the firm before I was ushered out. Strange. Now I will do my best to stifle hope and wait X number of days to get a polite rejection letter from them.

Waiting for an answer is like being in a terrible one-sided relationship. Does he love me? Is he just confused? Maybe he's playing hard to get? Is this rejection letter just a ploy to see how persistent I am? Should I send some naked photos? Cash? Hookers?

No more. I am going to institute a new practice. At the end of every interview, I will hand over a self-addressed, stamped envelope stuffed with a polite letter that contains two boxes--check yes or no. This way, all the firm will have to do is check a box, sign and send. Sooner answer for me, less trouble for them.

You're welcome, law firms of America. This is just another reason why you should be hiring me.


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