15 July 2009

I miss the court. Everyone there was so warm and fuzzy. And no one monitored my internet browsing.

Today I was working in my office when I heard my boss and another attorney talking about my work in the hallway. I got up and went over there thinking I could answer any questions they had. Bad decision. It turned out it was NOT a positive conversation. Attorney 1 (A1) was bitching to my supervisor (S) about me! IN THE HALLWAY, aka A PUBLIC FORUM. Let me take you back in time. Here's how all of this happened:

Last week, A1 saunters in here and tells me to "familiarize" myself with this case. Then he tells me to try calling this woman he has been unable to get in touch with for A YEAR. I familiarize, consider ending my life, and call this woman several times. No surprise: she won't call me back either.

Fastforward to the hallway: A1 is bitching to S that I didn't do anything I was supposed to. Excuse me, by "supposed to" do you mean READ YOUR WHOLE GD FILE ON THIS CASE AND HARASS SOME POOR WOMAN THAT DOESN'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU?? (and I don't blame her!) Luckily S tells A1 that he gave me a bad assignment and that I can't subpoena the woman so he should have a paralegal work on it. (Thank you, Jesus. Thank you S.) In the mean time, I am standing there shifting awkwardly and wondering why I am still being referred to in the third person. He saunters away.

So it turns out that there are real lawyers (read: assholes) even in government work. What frustrates me is that the interns are doing their work for free, and they still treat all of us like crap.

Looking for sympathy, I went to talk to an intern who has been here longer. She said, "Well, you're an intern--that's what you signed up for." I told her she's going to be a good lawyer. It was not a compliment.

Obviously, I know I am an intern, but I did not sign up to be treated like I am worthless. In fact, the reason I wanted to do government work this summer is because it's much more laid back and as a result, tempers don't generally flair as much. That, and I...uh...want to...um...help people?

In any case, I realize I am working with a population that generally has an overarching God complex, but it doesn't matter who you are (or more accurately, who you THINK you are), you should still treat your employees well. ESPECIALLY when your JOB is hearing employment grievances all day long.

So today I am a number four to my life goal list ( 1.eat well 2. nap often 3. don't get eaten by a shark): 4. Don't be an arrogant prick of a lawyer.

You think I would have thought of this earlier.


In other news, it's so cold in here that I think my internal organs are freezing over. So long, cruel world!


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