29 July 2010


When my fellow clerks aren't fighting about Jesus or 18th century Russian literature, they tend to talk about jobs and the job market. Here are my thoughts: HOLYHELLIDONTEVENKNOWWHATIWANTTODOANDIWILLNEVERGETAJOBSOIWILLJUSTSPENDMYDAYSDRINKINGREDWINEANDCRYINGINTHEBATHTUB...and so on and so forth.

Thinking about jobs has made me realize: I am not really passionate about any particular subject. I mean, I think they are all okay. I don't really mind anything. But I'm not dying to do anything. Is this a bad sign? Shouldn't I be clamoring to defend civil rights or prosecute criminals? I mean, shouldn't I care about something? Maybe if these were different times, I would care. But can I really afford to be picky? It's not like there are a ton of legal jobs out there. But at the same time why should I launch my career in to something just ho-hum after all these years of school? (Oh, right to pay off 100,000,000,000 dollars in school loans.) Shouldn't I try to live my dreams...or something?

Does it make me a bad lawyer that I will just try anything? Does that mean I shouldn't have gone to law school? Did I just waste all this time and money? There are some things I do know, but none of those things help me narrow it down much...

1) I don't want to hate myself for my work or be bored out of my mind
3) I want to be able to work from home...eventually
4) I want to be able to have a career and a family and a life
5) I want to make enough money to live comfortably, save for retirement, and pay off my loans

See what I mean? These are not exactly things that will help me hone down the list of places to apply, or give me anything to talk about interviews. (Oh yes, I want to work for you because I'M LAZY.)The only thing I think would be really cool is to work in government and/or do something with international law. But let's be honest, does real international law even exist? And who would hire me for government work when there are people like Hillary Clinton around? And will it be a problem when I refuse to wear pants in federal buildings or foreign countries? So many questions...So few answers. Am I doomed? HALP!


D said...

Yeah, the questions about what I really want to do are tricky for me, too. My honest answer of, "anything that will pay me more than my current job" is apparently not what people are looking for.

Anonymous said...

If you find a legal job where pants are optional, YOU GOTTA TELL ME.

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