22 February 2010

New Olympic Game Ideas

There's a new Olympic sport this year called men's ski cross. Basically four guys ski this crazy track at the same time and try to pass each other up without getting all tangled and dislocating a hip. I watched it all weekend and it was awesome. I didn't know you could just add sports to the Olympics. Since I have comment revisions, reading, outlining nothing better to do, I've been thinking up new ideas of Olympic sports.

1. Ice Jousting - An athlete mounts a Shetland pony on ice skates. The pony skates across the rink toward the opponent and each athlete tries to make the other fall off their pony. Extra points if your pony does a triple axle.

2. Something along the lines of this commercial where you're skating on a spinning ice rink. But instead of taking the easy way out (...Apollo) competitors have to skate against the direction the ice rink is spinning and see who can reach the finish line fastest.

As long as I can't be in the Olympics, I can at least make them harder for everyone else. Just don't indemnify me when PETA sues the Olympics or Apollo Ono breaks his skull. Thanks.


Anonymous said...


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Unknown said...

I have an idea for a new Olympic sport:
Chess & Squash.
Basically, you have to play a game of squash, and then have a game of chess. Winner can be calculated based on points scored in the squash match totalled with the International chess scoring mechanism.

It would mean there'd be less elites playing, and more average-Joes! It'd be awesome.



Anonymous said...

Given the national pride/jingoism of the Olympics, I came up with an idea. Taking the idea of motor sports and aerospace, I propose a trans-Atlantic airplane race with the only limitation being that the plane cannot carry oxydant (except for keeping the pilot alive).

If a country wants to design a fractional orbital aircraft to get the gold, fine. So long it has air-breathing engines. This combines motorsport and the X Prize idea. The planes would blast off from New York and land in London at normal airports and the timing would be done like a road rally whereby cars "blast off" a few minutes apart.

As various countries (and companies) get better at this aerospace plane race, it'll be time to step up to a better challenge: With no rockets and only air breathing engines, go for a lap around the planet on a "tank of gas" like the deranged idea of the German Silbervogel concept plane. This will allow for easy modification into a nice fully orbital plane by adding oxydant when not competing in this plane race. We humans do need a lower cost method of access to space. Using the Olympic jingoism would be good for this.

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