04 November 2008

I hate myself.

In an effort not to get glued to the rediculous news coverage of this election a moment before I have to, I just watched the new 90210.

So much for brain gain.

Update 8:00 pm:
Still holding off. Although I've checked the internet a bit. The Dems have a majority in the Senate! And Barack seems to be doing well! In the mean time I'm sampling the best and worst of America: Listening to Josh Groban and watching a bunch of rednecks on Wife Swap while outlining for Torts. I may be getting dumber, but at least I can multi-task.

Update 11:31 pm:
I just watched Obama's incredible speech. Wife Swap, 90210, and CNN hologram guests aside, I'm relieved. And wondering whether I should have gone to Harvard too.


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