09 July 2011

True or False

  1. I contacted pest control to get rid of Barrister
  2. I then started feeling guilty about murdering Barrister
  3. I then called Brandon Walsh at work to get his read on whether or not I should have the pest control guy come after all
  4. I decided to trick the pest control guy in to coming anyway, to spray for bugs
  5. I had a heart-to-heart with the pest control guy about getting rid of Barrister
  6. The pest control guy confessed that he once had to kill a mouse and it almost brought him to tears
  7. I was almost brought to tears thinking of Barrister in a mouse trap
  8. I spent a small fortune on the internet buying "humane" mouse traps, which will probably end up not working
  9. The website says to check mouse traps often to be sure the mice don't overheat. Hilarious.
  10. I am losing my mind

True. All of the above are true.


Kori said...

I tried to use humane mouse traps, and the mouse just went in, ate the Munchkin I left in there for him, pooped, and left. Other people seem to have had better luck with such things. I can't wait to hear how this progresses.

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