02 January 2010

Over the Break

1. Tricked a law firm in to taking me on for the first half of this summer. When they called to offer me the position, I said, "REALLY?!??!" Not that I'm desperate or anything. I waited like at least 16 hours before calling them back to accept. So now both halves of my summer are officially filled: Sorry, myriad prestigious law firms begging for my attention (zero...), I'm off the market.

2. Gained approx. 4,000 pounds. I can probably no longer ride elevators (safety first).

3. Did a bit of research for a local firm for a few bucks an hour--cool supervising attorney, interesting work, good pay. Not a bad gig.

4. Opened a joint bank account with Brandon Walsh. Eek. We're basically married financially, now we just have to play catch up on the legal end this July. (BW--it's not too late for me to take all your money, disappear, and get off scot-free, so you better take out the trash in the morning.)

5. Got a cite check from my law review on New Years Eve. I hate you already, 2010.

6. Neglected my blog...Sorry. I know all four of you were sorely dissapointed when I failed to wrap up and deliver a hilarious/profound Christmas post for you. I was so busy forgetting about law school (read: checking my grades every 7 minutes) that I let the blog slide.

In any case, I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas/Happy New Year/Blissful Break! And if you see me in an elevator, I suggest you wait for the next one.


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