14 June 2009

Texas Two Step

Stuck on the train on my way to work this week, I thought to myself, "Here I am, stuck on the train for an hour, and I am neither crying in frustration nor boiling with rage. I have really turned a corner! I am finally controlling my emotions!!"

After the train finally started moving and got to my stop, I stepped outside and promptly got soaked by a deluge of water courtesy of a freak North Texas storm. I approached the court house laughing. But my laughter quickly dissolved to tears when I realized how wet and scary it was to be outside in a monsoon. I cried all the way through security, (Guard: Are you crying because you're wet? Self: No, I'm just so...surprised!! *hysteria continues*) up the escalator, and to my desk. So much for turning a corner.

Oh well. As they say, one step forward, two steps back.


locogreen said...


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