29 August 2008

A Day In the Life

11:00 AM, Property class:

I know nothing about the Tragedy of the Commons because I cannot concentrate in class. I cannot concentrate in class because my favorite candidate for arm-sawing is wearing a purple striped tank top. I repeat, HE IS WEARING A TANK TOP. And his very curly chest hairs are peeking out at me.


12:21 PM, Lunch:

...Perusing emails rather than being productive...

"Monday is 'Labor Day.' Spending a day on a jet ski at the lake is not 'labor.' Thinking about contracts – that is labor, a labor of love."
--email from contracts professor

1:00 PM:

Pete tells me the proper term for curly chest hairs is "taco meat."

Double barf.

2:00 PM, Criminal Law:

Make mental notes not to date the men in the class who think that a woman who was abused for 17 years should have stayed in the marriage.

Granted, they suggested this instead of killing the husband. But I say go for it...especially if your husband constantly shows taco meat.

4:00PM, Library:

I realize men are men, no matter what the setting or level of education. The perpetual refusal to ask directions resulted in the members of my group wandering around the library just hoping to run across the proper volume of the proper reference book. It's safe to say they were lost. Until I insited we use the online catologue.

The assignment was considerably easier after that. Imagine.

6:00, Reading Assignments:


8:00, TV:

Passed out watching law and order (the original, obviously). It's both my favorite show and best sedative.

11:00, bar:

In an uncharacteristic fashion, I get black-out drunk. I'd love to blog more about it, but I don't remember.

(Really this time)


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