26 October 2010


I interviewed with a big time company recently. It was for a sweet in-house job that I knew I would never get. So I wasn't surprised yesterday when I got my rejection letter in the mail. I was surprised, however, to see my name spelled incorrectly all over the place.

Listen, big time company, I know you guys are busy and you interview a million people. But I spend a lot of time preparing my cover letter and resume and writing sample. And then I spend even more time prepping for my interview, deciding what to wear, and actually going to talk to you about a job I know you will not give me. Please just do me the favor of checking over one of the eight documents I sent you to check the spelling of my (not difficult to spell!) name.

Getting the cold shoulder is bad enough, getting the cold shoulder and questioning whether you still know how to spell your own name is even worse.

25 October 2010

I love Catalog Living

22 October 2010

A Research Assistant's Job is Never Done...

I was up until four last night (this morning?) frantically finishing up research for the professor I am working for.

Not thrilled.

21 October 2010


Also had a brilliant idea today. What if I just take out as many student loans as possible and use that money to speculate in the gold market? I could totally pay my loans back faster if I guess right. And if you take a look at my transcript, you'll see that guessing is my strong suit.


Just got back from a visit to NY. If lawyering doesn't work out, I think I'd do well as a street walker performer.

15 October 2010

Good News? Bad News?

Got my rejection letter from the Department of Justice. Normally I would complain, but at least I can take comfort in knowing that our government hiring committee has good instincts. They must have sensed my problems with wearing pants.

12 October 2010

An article I wrote was published in a journal recently, and the publisher sent me like 40 copies in the mail (presumably because everyone I know will be clamoring to read my thoughts on corporate violation of international treaties and domestic labor laws in Mexican factories). Brandon Walsh has been really sweet and proud of me, and last night he brought a copy of the journal to bed to do some light reading (ha!). He took a look at the table of contents and then turned to me and said:

"Of course the only woman on here with a hyphenated name is the one writing about discrimination against women in Mexico."

Touche, BW, touche.

08 October 2010

A Note

Dear Car Dealerships,
You're trying to sell a used car to a lawyer. Your intimidation tactics will not work on me. Your "great deals" do not impress me. What your manager says to tell me doesn't matter to me. Your constant ability to MIRACULOUSLY lower the cost makes me think that everything you sell is overpriced. Let me make this clear: It's my job to do your job better than you do. I haggle over the most important issues in peoples' lives. So don't screw around with me. Just give me a 30 cars for free, and lets call it a day. Ok?
Kickass Attorney (to-be) at Law

07 October 2010

Networking Fail.

We're doing our second round of on campus interviewing, and among other firms, a civil litigation boutique is coming to campus to interview. In the interest of networking, I contacted an attorney at the firm who recently graduated from my law school. We chatted about the firm and I felt like I had made a good impression. I've been patting myself on the back for being such a go-getter. Clearly this demonstrates that I am super brave, awesome, and a great socializer.

I got interviews for all the jobs I applied for...except that one. Oh the irony. Perhaps I'll fare better at these interviews if I keep my mouth shut.

04 October 2010

I have little to report these days. Except that my brilliant career counselor told me I should try to get a job using Linked In. The future is bright.