20 September 2010

Also, have you heard of this new pop singer, Michael Posner? Well, he's this guy:

But whenever they talk about him on the radio, my mind goes straight to Richard Posner, who is a brilliant legal scholar and a judge on the seventh circuit:

Because I'm just that cool.

Having a husband means finding raisins in a jar labeled 'beef broth.'

...Brandon Walsh strikes again.

12 September 2010


I just thought of another thing I can put in to my cover letters for the zillions of government jobs I am applying to:

Dear Government Job,

It has come to my attention that I owe the US government (aka you) thousands of dollars in school loan debt. Considering this, I believe it's actually in your best interest to give me a job right away, so I can pay you back. Should you decide not to hire me, I will take your rejection to mean that my loans have been forgiven. Kthanxbai!


09 September 2010

Carelessly Put Yourself At Risk

I'm a terrible skier, and I'm not being hard on myself when I say that. Small children and monkeys are more coordinated than I am. So it was with unbridled terror that I once found myself alone on a black diamond ski trail in the middle of a blizzard. (Long story.) With nobody to carry me down, I didn't have a lot of options. So I wept--and had a fairly supplicating talk with God about my imminent death. (I believe I made a series of promises involving church attendance, reduced alcohol intake, and forgoing swearing.) And finally, I skied--slowly, with zero elegance, and whimpering like an infant the entire time--down the mountain. It wasn't pretty, but I did it.

The point being, sometimes you have to get in over your head to realize you're not in over your head at all. Two years ago, I got a job that I desperately wanted but had no idea how to do. So I took it, endured several panic attacks, and eventually learned the ropes. My choices were either figure it out or get fired. The bottom line: Most of the time, a high-risk situation won't kill you, because you are stronger than you think. And it's never a bad thing to be reminded of that.

(This was taken from a magazine I love and read religiously. Perhaps The God is trying to tell me not to jump off a cliff...yet)

Craigslist advice on dating a hipster:

Irony is not timeless. Marry a guy with a yacht.

08 September 2010

School work takes a back seat to rain activities

Why is it that rain makes it impossible to do any work? All I want to do is nap and make cookies. And I've never been one to say no to either of those things. So let's hope I don't get called on tomorrow. Because I will offer my professor a cookie instead of answering the question.